Employer Relations Liaison - Health Sector


My name is Rachel Sanchez. I am an Employer Relations Liaison with the San Diego & Imperial Counties Community Colleges Regional Consortium. I support all ten of the community colleges in San Diego & Imperial County region.

There are a number of ways to collaborate /meet organizational needs and also support community college students. Colleges always have a need for three types of collaboration when partnering with employers:

  1. a better understanding of the knowledge, skills and abilities your organization needs for priority occupations
  2. work-based learning opportunities for students (i.e. classroom presentations, job shadows, internships)
  3. employment opportunities for students

I am happy to connect health care industry, educators, and students. Rachel_sanchez@gcccd.edu

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Admin Commented Allison.Hirahara about 2 months ago
Thank you for posting on our ConnectED page, Rachel.  If you are looking for industry partners to provide presentations, internships, or information about their needs, our network of over 550 Live Well San Diego Recognized Partners includes a variety of organizations committed to supporting healthy, safe, and thriving communities: https://www.livewellsd.org/i-want-to/partner/find-a-partner.  At the County, our Internships & Volunteers website (https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hr/InternshipsVolunteers0.html) includes information about student opportunities, and the Human Resources website (https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hr.html) has all of our current job postings, along with resources to help with the application process. If you have any further questions, or ideas for collaboration, please reach out to the Live Well San Diego Support Team at LiveWellEducation@sdcounty.ca.gov. You can also subscribe to our Education Sector listserv to receive periodic updates related to Institutions of Higher Education: https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/LIVEWELLSD/subscriber/new. - The Live Well San Diego Education Sector