Employment Specialist

Work with clients who have been victim of Human Trafficking, to resource, locate, interview and be hired with companies that are a good fit . Job readiness, resume & cover letter writing, Interviewing skills, mock interviews, navigating online job boards, dress to impress, making a good first impression, building self-confidence, navigating new position and career exploration.
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Admin Commented Allison.Hirahara about 2 months ago
Thank you, Vanessa, for sharing your response on our discussion board.  Some of our Live Well San Diego Recognized Partners may have programs and services to help meet your clients’ needs: https://www.livewellsd.org/i-want-to/partner/find-a-partner. For example, the San Diego Workforce Partnership offers free resources for job seekers, including resume and cover letter workshops, career exploration, interview prep, and more: https://workforce.org/jobseekers.  Our Live Well San Diego Support Team also hosts a Career Prep Series to share about job opportunities at the County of San Diego. You can watch our past recorded webinars on the Youth Sector Website: https://www.livewellsd.org/i-want-to/get-involved/sector-teams/youth.  If you have any further questions, or ideas for collaboration, please reach out to the Live Well San Diego Support Team at LiveWellEducation@sdcounty.ca.gov. You can also subscribe to our Education Sector listserv to receive periodic updates related to Institutions of Higher Education: https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/LIVEWELLSD/subscriber/new. If your organization is interested in becoming a Live Well San Diego Recognized Partner, you can learn more here: https://www.livewellsd.org/i-want-to/partner/become-a-partner.  - The Live Well San Diego Education Sector