SDSU Field Practice
Good day everyone,
My name is Geysil Arroyo, and I am in charge of the Field Practice Program at San Diego State University- School of Public Health. Students at the SDSU SPH are always looking for internship opportunities in public health practice. Please feel free to reach out if you and your organization are looking for talented individuals to help you strengthened a public health project.
Geysil Arroyo, MPH
Instructor and Administrator of Field Practice Courses/Program
School of Public Health
1 comment
Thank you for sharing on our discussion board, Geysil. We look forward to our continued partnership through the Live Well Center for Innovation and Leadership ( to expand student opportunities at the County. For now, the County’s Internships & Volunteers website includes information about student opportunities: We also occasionally send internship opportunities from other partners through our e-newsletter, if you’d like to subscribe to our Education Sector listserv to receive periodic updates: If you have any further questions, or ideas for collaboration, please reach out to us at - The Live Well San Diego Education Sector
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