Students need to know their alternatives to College!

As the head administrator of PHCC Academy of San Diego, one of the biggest challenges we face is that young people leaving high school are not aware of the path of Apprenticeship.

We are a Plumbing and HVAC Technician trade school, and our Plumbing Apprenticeship is accredited with the Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship.

While we DO have valuable allies in some high schools such as Vista high in Vista, CA we are still finding that in general, most schools are still pushing College and University as the options to successful careers.

With student debt reaching crisis levels, and the pandemic showing that white collar jobs weren't "essential" we want to make sure the option of APPRENTICESHIP and Construction Trades are being made known to high schoolers during the time period that they are being asked to consider their future.

IF you are an educator or guidance counselor at any SAN DIEGO AREA schools, please invite us to your career events or to come in and speak directly to your students. We LOVE to spread the opportunity of careers in the TRADES

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Admin Commented nvilla about 2 months ago
Thank you, Juri, for sharing your response on our Student Career Support Discussion Board. If you'd like to make additional connections to promote apprenticeship and trades, some of the Career Pathway programs may be a good starting point. For example, the San Diego Unified Career Pathways ( or Grossmont Union High School Career Pathways ( may be interested in learning more. If you have any further questions, please reach out to the Live Well San Diego Support Team at You can also subscribe to our Education Sector listserv ( to receive periodic updates related to Institutions of Higher Education. If your organization is interested in becoming a Live Well San Diego Recognized Partner, you can learn more here: - The Live Well San Diego Education Sector