PACEs Science Statewide Facilitator, Lifelong Learning Administration Corporation


Please know my name is Dana Brown and my role is the Positive & Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACEs) Science Statewide Facilitator with our Learn4Life network throughout California.

As one of the subject matter experts and national trainers, we developed over the years our Trauma-Resilient Educational Communities (TREC) Model for educators and social service providers.

Our TREC Model supports the well-being of our staff through an Accreditation process of becoming a Trauma-Resilient Organization (TRO). Individually, staff are becoming Certified as Trauma-Resilient Professionals (TRP).

Our Mission Statement is, Deliver educational resources and programs dedicated to healing-centered relationships that increase resilience and overall wellness in individuals and organizations.

TREC resiliency programs supports our students through equity, mindfulness, and growth mindsets; Resiliency Programs | Trauma Resilient Educational Communities (TREC) (

I'm grateful to be here with this learning community and countless heart-centered leaders. Thank you for what you do!

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