

My name is Elaine Adlam. I am the lead nurse for Grossmont College Health & Wellness. I can be reached at elaine.adlam@gcccd.edu. The website is https://www.grossmont.edu/student-support/health-and-wellness/index.php.

Our office supports student success through providing for the physical and mental health needs of students as well as health promotion activities that provide services and educate our students.

Our research has shown that students are lacking a sense of belonging and I believe that through our programs we can increase the sense of belonging that leads to student success.

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Admin Commented nvilla about 2 months ago
Thank you, Elaine, for sharing your response on our discussion board and letting us know how your office supports student health and fosters a sense of belonging. The keynote speaker at our 2024 Live Well Advance and School Summit (https://www.livewellsd.org/events/live-well-advance) discussed adolescent mental health and ways that we can all take action to support youth in this digital age, with specific steps for Gen Z (https://www.anxiousgeneration.com/take-action#genz). Be sure to take a look! If you have any further questions, please reach out to the Live Well San Diego Support Team at LiveWellEducation@sdcounty.ca.gov. You can also subscribe to our Education Sector listserv (https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/LIVEWELLSD/subscriber/new) to receive periodic updates related to Institutions of Higher Education. If your organization is interested in becoming a Live Well San Diego Recognized Partner, you can learn more here: https://www.livewellsd.org/i-want-to/partner/become-a-partner. - The Live Well San Diego Education Sector