Health Pathways Coordinator - Grossmont Union HSD

The Grossmont Union High School District has medical sciences pathways at eight of its high schools, funded by the Grossmont Healthcare District. Our goals are to engage our students in skill-based and career-based lessons and activities, in order to give them real-world experiences. The long-range goal is to promote their entry into medically related programs and majors at local community colleges or 4-year universities. Eventually, our goal is "fill the gaps" in healthcare providers at all levels in East County.

Our needs are:

  • Guest speakers
  • Field trips
  • Job shadows
  • Internships
  • Reverse job shadows (guest speakers + immersive experiences in the classroom)
  • Health fairs (to attend or to present at)
  • Medically related job fairs
  • Medically related career roundtables
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Alicia Wood over 1 year ago
I would love to connect with you to discuss the youth development programs we offer through Rady Children's Hospital. Please email me at 
Admin Commented Sharon.Hughes over 1 year ago
Thank you for reaching out, this request aligns perfectly with one of the Live Well San Diego Youth Sector objectives! We would love to schedule a time to discuss- can you email us at We look forward to working with you!