Love Your Heart Advertising

Working Together to Better Serve our Diverse Communities

Share your thoughts on our advertisements from Love Your Heart 2024. Your feedback is important. Input from the community can improve our messaging by making it more effective. It can also ensure that our messaging better reflects the culture, ideas, and communication styles of our diverse focus audiences.


Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. It is the second leading cause of death in San Diego County.

We want to ensure that our advertisements encourage more San Diego County residents to get their blood pressure checked during our Love Your Heart event in February.

Our 2024 Advertisement goals included:

  • Focused Messaging for various community groups.
  • Diverse and inclusive photos.
  • Accessibility: Fonts, color contrast, organized layout, call to action.
  • Special focused landing pages to provide community specific data, resources, and more.


Select a forum below to review the messaging and ads for different focus groups (FORUM 1-4).
Within the forum, click “Go to Discussion” to provide your feedback.

Jump to Section:

Forum 1: Hispanic/Spanish-speaking

Forum 2: Black/African-American

Forum 3: Asian American and Pacific Islander

Forum 4: Rural Community

Working Together to Better Serve our Diverse Communities

Share your thoughts on our advertisements from Love Your Heart 2024. Your feedback is important. Input from the community can improve our messaging by making it more effective. It can also ensure that our messaging better reflects the culture, ideas, and communication styles of our diverse focus audiences.


Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. It is the second leading cause of death in San Diego County.

We want to ensure that our advertisements encourage more San Diego County residents to get their blood pressure checked during our Love Your Heart event in February.

Our 2024 Advertisement goals included:

  • Focused Messaging for various community groups.
  • Diverse and inclusive photos.
  • Accessibility: Fonts, color contrast, organized layout, call to action.
  • Special focused landing pages to provide community specific data, resources, and more.


Select a forum below to review the messaging and ads for different focus groups (FORUM 1-4).
Within the forum, click “Go to Discussion” to provide your feedback.

Jump to Section:

Forum 1: Hispanic/Spanish-speaking

Forum 2: Black/African-American

Forum 3: Asian American and Pacific Islander

Forum 4: Rural Community

Discussions: All (4) Open (4)
  • Main Messaging

    • Remind loved ones it's easy to take the first step to better heart health. Recuérdele a sus seres queridos que es fácil tomar el primer paso para mejorar la salud de su corazón.  
    • Get Your Blood Pressure Checked. Revise su presión arterial.  
    • Visit for more information. Visite para obtener más información.



    Share Your Thoughts!

    1. What are your initial thoughts about these ads? ¿Cuáles son sus pensamientos iniciales sobre estos anuncios?

    2. What do you like or dislike about them? ¿Qué te gusta o no te gusta de los anuncios?

    3. How could we make these ads better? ¿Cómo podríamos mejorar los anuncios?

    4. What would encourage you to get your blood pressure checked? ¿Qué te animaría a hacerte un control de la presión arterial?

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  • Main Messaging:

    • Talking with your loved ones about health can be difficult, but high blood pressure puts you at risk for heart disease and stroke.
    • The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to have it checked, because most of the time there are no obvious symptoms. 
    • Remind your family to get checked and understand what your numbers mean.
    • Get Your Blood Pressure Checked. 
    • Visit for more information. 





    Share Your Thoughts:

    1. What are your initial thoughts about these ads?

    2. What do you like or dislike about them?

    3. How could we make these ads better?

    4. What would encourage you to get your blood pressure checked?

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  • Main Messaging: 

    • Talking with your loved ones about health can be difficult but it is an important conversation to have. 
    • Remind your loved ones it's easy to take the first step to better heart health.
    • Get Your Blood Pressure Checked. 
    • Visit for more information.



    Share Your Thoughts:

    1. What are your initial thoughts about these ads?

    2. What do you like or dislike about them?

    3. How could we make these ads better?

    4. What would encourage you to get your blood pressure checked?

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  • Main Messaging:

    • Individuals in rural communities have a higher risk of heart disease. Remind loved ones it's easy to take the first step to better heart health. 
    • Get your blood pressure checked. 
    • Learn more at


    • In San Diego County, heart disease is the second leading cause of death in the East Region and unincorporated areas.
    • According to the American Heart Association, people who live in rural communities live an average of three years fewer than urban counterparts and have a 40% higher likelihood of developing heart disease (14.2%) compared with their counterparts in small metropolitan (11.2%) and urban (9.9%) areas, a gap that has grown over the past decade. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also demonstrates that Americans living in rural areas have a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.


    Share Your Thoughts:

    1. What are your initial thoughts about these ads?

    2. What do you like or dislike about them?

    3. How could we make these ads better?

    4. What would encourage you to get your blood pressure checked?

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Page last updated: 18 Jun 2024, 06:38 PM